Eileen Chan-Hu


About Eileen Chan-Hu

Born in Belfast, of first generation Chinese, Eileen is passionate about adding diversity, inclusion, creativity and colour to our society. With over 25 years’ experience in the field of race covering English language teaching, community development, community safety initiatives and health and well-being.

Eileen has sat on an array of boards, was a member of the Centenary Forum and an Equality Commissioner (2018 – 2020). She is currently on the All-Island Women’s Forum, Vice Chair of Migrant and Minority Ethnic Council NI, Trustee of New Europeans UK and a Patron of Horatio’s Garden.  

Eileen has been a member of the Belfast Speaker’s Circle and has spoken on race equality, social entrepreneurship and women issues at events. In 2021, Eileen was a TEDxSpeaker for TEdxStormont. Her TEDxtalk, reached the TEDTalk platform: ‘GaiWaak, Made in Belfast, Made with Purpose’, which presents both her cross-cultural experience and the philosophy she inherits from her parents. These influences all she does.