Charlene Brooks

Parenting NI


About Charlene Brooks

As CEO Charlene has responsibility for the strategic direction of Parenting NI, a vibrant and proactive charity which aims to meet the diverse needs of parents and families.  With a strong educational background having third level qualifications in Community work and Leadership and Management, Charlene has worked in the voluntary sector her entire working career, over 17 years of which at Senior Management level.  Charlene has a wealth of experience in leading dynamic teams who deliver early intervention and prevention programmes, services and interventions and has been CEO of Parenting NI since 2016, having been involved with the organisation since 2006 . 

Charlene is a member of the All Island Parenting Network steering group and is currently Vice Chair of the NICVA Executive Committee, Independent Chair of the Charity Commission Stakeholder Forum and Chair of the NI Anti Bullying Forum (NIABF).  She works closely with Government Departments, political parties and individuals and organisations across the private, voluntary and community sectors – representing the views and aspirations of parents and families from across NI.