Oasis Group Sponsor Data Protection Events Across Island of Ireland

Posted in : NI on 13 March 2017 Issues covered:

Currently, operating in 29 locations across six countries, Oasis manage the vital information for over 5,000 clients. OASIS is recognised as one of the fastest growing and most dynamic companies in the records and information management (RIM) industry. With a vision to transform and elevate the RIM industry, OASIS offers a complete RIM service that enables clients to harness the power of their information. 
For further information on both Data Protection Update Events, click on the links below:

Data Protection Update 2017: Are You GDPR-Ready?
26th April, Hilton Hotel, Lanyon Place, Belfast

Data Protection Update 2017 – Ensuring Your Organisation is GDPR-Ready
31st May, Hilton Hotel, Charlemont Place, Dublin


Oasis Group

This article is correct at 13/03/2017

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