Barry Phillips Meets... Liz Weir MBE

Posted in : Podcasts on 8 October 2018 Issues covered:

Liz Weir photoLiz Weir MBE is a businesswoman, festival director and children’s author, but perhaps best known for her role as a professional storyteller sharing stories of Ireland’s past not only locally in libraries, pubs, prisons and at festivals but on the international stage as well.

In 2002 she won the inaugural International Story Bridge Award of the National Storytelling Network. Many more awards were to follow helping her travel the world with her craft sharing her stories in countries as far away as Russia, Singapore, South Africa and Australia.

She is the author of some 27 children’s books, currently the Story Teller in Residence for Libraries NI  and former presenter at Radio Ulster of “Gift of the Gab”.

She’s owner of the 200-year-old Ballyeamon Barn near Cushendall which hosts a storytelling evening on Saturday nights as well as tourists from all over the world in the adjoining hostel.

Liz was recently engaged by InvestNI to show them how best to use the power of storytelling when delivering presentations.

This article is correct at 08/10/2018

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