Refugees at Home
Posted in : Supplementary Articles NI on 1 March 2022 Issues covered:Legal Island has teamed up with UK charity Refugees at Home to provide you with the opportunity to apply to host a refugee as a guest in your home temporarily this year. Please note this process is relevant only to those resident in Northern Ireland.
While the immediate focus is on helping people coming from Ukraine, Refugees at Home provides hosting to people from over 75 different countries.
We’re still waiting for clarification on the UK’s position relating to the refugee crisis in Ukraine and how exactly the government intends to offer support.
All you need do is provide a few details below and Refugees at Home will be in touch with full details on how to apply.
We promise not to share your details with any third party without your consent unless legally required to do.
We look forward to hearing from you and thank you meantime for your interest in helping someone or some family who really needs assistance and support just now.
Complete the form here:
The Refugees at Home privacy policy is available here:
This article is correct at 01/03/2022
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