Performance Conversations and Motivation of Remote-based Millennials

Posted in : Supplementary Articles NI on 25 February 2021
Michelle Halloran
Halloran HR Resolutions Ltd
Issues covered:

The subject of performance conversations never goes away for employers or HR professionals. It has been to the fore in this last year. Assuming our speaker is correct, how can you ensure your top performing Millennial employees remain top performers or get back to performing at their best, where they may have slipped or become demotivated, particularly when working from home and without obvious peer support in the next office?

Performance conversations are vital retention and motivational tools, regardless of the actual performance: poor performers are generally a drain on others until they are managed out, and top performers leave, unless managers show appreciation. And it’s not just a

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This article is correct at 25/02/2021

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Michelle Halloran
Halloran HR Resolutions Ltd

The main content of this article was provided by Michelle Halloran. Contact telephone number is 086-8198536 or email

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