[Updated] New Job Support Scheme - Key Points
Posted in : Supplementary Articles NI on 22 October 2020 Issues covered: Job Support Scheme (JSS); CoronavirusThe Government introduced the New Job Support Scheme (JSS) on 24th September to support viable jobs in businesses which are facing lower demand over the winter months due to COVID-19 after the closure of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) on 31 October 2020.
On 22nd October, the government announced changes to the JSS.
The JSS will open on 1 November 2020 and run for 6 months until April 2021.
Joanne Lightburn of Jones Cassidy Brett has provided a summary of the key points on the scheme, as amended.
The Key Changes are:
- When originally announced, the JSS required employees to work a minimum of 33% of their normal hours. This has now been reduced to 20%, meaning that employees working as little as one day a week are now eligible for the scheme.
- Government contribution to wages for hours not worked has increased to 61.67% (with an increase in the original cap of £697.92 a month to now £1,541.75)
- The employer contribution to the ‘unworked’ hours has been significantly reduced from 33% to just 5%.
No changes have been made to the Expanded JSS for those businesses legally required to close.
Click here to view the update [PDF]
This article is correct at 22/10/2020Disclaimer:
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