Equality & Diversity Training: Why employers need to do it and why it makes sense to do it online
Posted in : Supplementary Articles NI on 27 February 2018 Issues covered:Top lawyers advise employers to make sure all staff are trained on equality and diversity issues, not just senior employees or key personnel. New recruits should be trained on Day 1 of their employment, not at some point in the future, on a date that suits the trainer.
Logistically this is a big ask particularly for organisations that have a large workforce or staff dispersed across multiple sites.
Join compliance expert Barry Phillips, as he explains the type of training that needs to be done to make sure every organisation is best placed to defend itself against claims of harassment or discrimination. He explains how the training can be done to suit every type of organisation and as cost-effectively as possible.
Find out more about Legal-Island's Northern Ireland Equality and Diversity in the Workplace eLearning training.
This article is correct at 27/02/2018Disclaimer:
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