Sustainability and Philosophical Belief in the Workplace

Posted in : Supplementary Articles NI on 21 May 2013
Orlagh O'Neill
Carson McDowell
Issues covered:

Green issues such as sustainability and corporate & social responsibility are increasingly important to employee engagement. Some employees take these issues more seriously that others and we asked the employment team at Carson McDowell to consider this question:

Our organisation is supportive of employees adopting “green” and environmentally friendly practices in the workplace. After all, it saves money as well as reducing our carbon footprint. However, one employee in particular is taking it to extremes and this is causing problems with his colleagues, whom he berates on an almost daily basis over their personal choices (mode of transport to work, number of cars in their households,

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This article is correct at 06/08/2015

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Orlagh O'Neill
Carson McDowell

The main content of this article was provided by Orlagh O'Neill. Contact telephone number is 028 9034 8828 or email

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