Weekly Review of Developments 21/2/2020

Posted in : Weekly Review of Developments on 21 February 2020
Legal Island
Legal Island
Issues covered:

News this week that a firm in England will reimburse staff who claim lunch expenses, but only for vegetarian lunches. They were going to make it vegan-only but some workers thought that was just nuts.

We've changed our introductory format this week to give readers a fuller overview of the employment-related news. We hope you like it. If not, let us know and we'll go back to the old format.

Top Stories this week:

  • The big story this week is the publication of the Government's Points Based Immigration Policy which can be viewed here.  A summary of the main points, prepared by Conor McCrory, Clever Fulton Rankin is available here.  The BBC highlights the concerns of the retail

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This article is correct at 21/02/2020

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