Weekly Review of Developments Issued: 27/08/2010

Posted in : Weekly Review of Developments on 27 August 2010 Issues covered:

'Working Man's Wife has Child Whilst on Holiday'. Hardly the most impressive headline. Must rank well below 'Dundrum Man Gets Temporary Part-Time Job' when Patrick Kielty took over from Jonathan Ross on the radio. Here is the news...


1. Welcome Back
2. TUC welcomes the 'End' of Pre-employment Medical Questionnaires in GB
3. Faith No More
4. Gangmaster No More
5. Facebook No More
6. WERS the Love?
7. 57 Years to Equality
8. Labour Market Slowing Down?
9. Nothing to Sneeze At
10. Asda Choice is Equal Pay
11. Case Law

NOTE: Case law section essentials this week - EAT confirms that, "in the assessment of damages for a statutory tort, the possibility that the employer will be in difficulty paying an

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This article is correct at 06/08/2015

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