2022 Wrap Up

Posted in : HR Updates on 28 November 2022
Olga Pollock
firmus energy
Issues covered: Cost of Living Crisis; Menopause; Recruitment; Equality and Inclusion

I don’t know about you, but this Christmas has really crept up on me. That said, we put the tree up this weekend, so the festive season is official in our house.

When we said good riddance to 2021, we never thought 2022 could present us with a whole new raft of challenges from the war in Ukraine and the Great Resignation to soaring inflation and a cost-of-living crisis.

If you’re interested in catching up on any of my articles throughout the year, here’s a summary below:

January (New Year Career Resolutions)

Ideas on how set career aspirations for the year ahead that were achievable and could make an impact leading to greater job satisfaction and self-esteem.


February (Let’s normalise the menopause)

Menopausal women are the fastest growing demographic in today’s workforce. Symptoms can have a devastating impact on women in the workplace. This article offers advice on how normalise support much in the same way as we do for physical or mental health conditions.


March (Attracting candidates through video)

Tips on how to create an effective recruitment video that has candidates queuing up outside your front door?


April (Why People Accept Job Offers)

There are many reasons why people accept a job offer and this can vary depending on circumstances. This article details some of the key elements in creating a vibrant workplace where people jump your job offers.


May (Why we shouldn’t overlook job-hoppers)

Have you ever looked at a CV and been put off by the number and frequency of job changes? I know I have and certainly this will be a red flag to most hiring managers. But should it be, or are we being unfair? This article will make you think twice before dismissing a CV with too many jobs.


June (If you’re a people-person then HR is probably not the job for you)

Are all HR professionals really “people people”. This article dispels the myth that HR folk need to be people pleasers as very often we’re at the coalface of conflict and challenging situations.


July (Is your dress code turning people off?)

Many companies, particularly in the tech space insist on dressing down as they want to promote a more casual work culture. The financial and legal sectors however tend to be more traditional. Some questions worth considering when reviewing your dress code policy is what type of culture and employer brand do you want to portray as this will impact the type of people you attract, or indeed turn off?


August (Pride is more than just about cake)

Top tips on creating an LGBTQ+ strategy that recognises a once-a-year Pride cake won’t cut it.


September (Handling job rejection)

Rejection of any kind is tough. It’s only natural to feel downbeat and sorry for ourselves. This applies to interview rejection. It’s a hard fact that we’re not going to land every single job that we apply for. This article offers advice on handling job rejections and accepting the opportunities they present.


October (Are cover letters a thing of the past?)

Examines the apparent demise of the cover letter and what we should do about it.


November (HR Challenges in 2022)

This article summarises some of the challenges employers have faced over the last couple of years.


This article is correct at 28/11/2022

The information in this article is provided as part of Legal-Island's Employment Law Hub. We regret we are not able to respond to requests for specific legal or HR queries and recommend that professional advice is obtained before relying on information supplied anywhere within this article.

Olga Pollock
firmus energy

The main content of this article was provided by Olga Pollock. Contact telephone number is +44 (0)79 7389 3448 or email oppollock@firmusenergy.co.uk

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