Interviewing a Potential Employee – How Do I Handle It?

Posted in : How do I handle it NI on 20 February 2018
Employment Team at Tughans
Issues covered:

I am responsible for our recruitment and selection processes, and am concerned about the diversity of our workforce. I don’t want our company to miss out on the best talent because of unfair assumptions made by an interviewer. How do I handle it?

The interview is the final hurdle in many recruitment and selection processes, often reached by candidates who have successfully cleared a number of preliminary stages. With decisions often taken by a small panel of senior staff, or a sole interviewee, you must try to manage the conduct of and processes used by each decision maker to narrow the potential for allegations of discrimination.

The duty to avoid unlawful discrimination includes how you

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This article is correct at 20/02/2018

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Employment Team at Tughans

The main content of this article was provided by Employment Team at Tughans. Contact telephone number is 028 9055 3300

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