Managing Long Term Sickness Absence

Posted in : The Essential Elements of the Employee Handbook on 6 October 2022
Leeanne Armstrong
Issues covered: Long term sickness; Disability; Sickness Absence; Capability Dismissal

Long-term sickness absence can have a significant impact on business operations and output. Managing long-term sickness can be complex and difficult for managers and HR teams, and there is a balance to be struck between supporting an employee through what may be a long-term recovery from illness, and ensuring business continuity and efficiency. 

If poorly handled, it can not only be costly in terms of continued absence but can also lead to risk of claims, especially if it ultimately leads to dismissal. 

In this month’s feature, we review the key areas to cover in a policy for managing long term sickness absence fairly and effectively. This matters we discuss are with a focus on

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This article is correct at 06/10/2022

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Leeanne Armstrong

The main content of this article was provided by Leeanne Armstrong. Contact telephone number is +44 (0)333 006 1545 or email

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