Leave Entitlements And The Rights To Time Off

Posted in : The Essential Elements of the Employee Handbook on 4 August 2021
Leeanne Armstrong
Issues covered: Time-off Work; Annual Leave; Family-related Statutory Leave

Leave entitlements are a common area for employment disputes. Understanding the statutory entitlements for leave (and pay, where applicable) and ensuring that your policies lay out clearly any discretionary leave you decide to offer can help avoid problems and minimise risk of claims arising.

Outside of statutory minimum requirements, tailoring policies to provide for enhanced leave and pay for what are often big life events - for example becoming a parent, taking time out for caring responsibilities, or dealing with a bereavement - can reflect your organisation’s values and enhance your brand as a family friendly employer. It can therefore be a very effective tool when it comes to

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This article is correct at 04/08/2021

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Leeanne Armstrong

The main content of this article was provided by Leeanne Armstrong. Contact telephone number is +44 (0)333 006 1545 or email leeanne.armstrong@TLTsolicitors.com

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