The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis v Denby [2017]

Posted In: Case Law
  • Case Reference
    UKEAT 0314/16/2410
  • Legal Body
    Employment Appeal Tribunal (UKEAT)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Discipline, Discrimination
Issues covered: Misconduct; Disciplinary Investigations; Decision Making; Discriminatory Motivation

The Claimant was a police officer who was placed under investigation by the Department for Professional Standards (DPS) for criminal and/or gross misconduct. Conversely, a female officer who performed the same role and was placed under investigation for similar misconduct had complaints against her dealt with locally. The Claimant successfully argued sex discrimination at the Employment Tribunal.

The Employment Appeal Tribunal dismissed the appeal and held that the Employment Tribunal had properly applied the burden of proof provisions, properly evaluated the evidence and there was no procedural unfairness. Of the four points of appeal, one that the EAT had to consider was interpretation of

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This article is correct at 26/10/2017

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John Taggart BL

The main content of this article was provided by John Taggart BL.

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