Dr G Parker v 1) MDU Services Ltd 2) Trustees of the Medical Defence Union Pensions and Life Assurance Scheme [2017]

Posted In: Case Law
  • Case Reference
    UKEAT 0113_17_0711
  • Legal Body
    Employment Appeal Tribunal (UKEAT)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
Issues covered: Equal Pay Act; Pensions; Comparator; Justification

The Claimant had retired after working for 27 years. Her full-time equivalent (“FTE”) service, taking account of periods of part-time working, was 21 years (she'd worked part-time after the birth of her daughter). The Claimant’s particular complaint was that, whereas a full-time worker who had worked 20 or more years as at the Normal Retirement Date would be entitled under the Scheme to the maximum available pension of 2/3 of final salary, she was only entitled to 21/27 (about 78%) of the maximum pension notwithstanding the fact that she had more than 20 years’ FTE service. The Claimant contended that the Scheme amounted to double pro-rating in the case of those with some part-time service

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This article is correct at 16/11/2017

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