Hartley and others v King Edward VI College [2017]

Posted In: Case Law
  • Decision Number
    UKSC 39
  • Legal Body
    Uk Supreme Court (UKSC)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Contracts of Employment, Collective and Trade Union Issues, Pay
Issues covered: Teachers; Contracts of Employment; Working Time; Strike Action; Deduction From Wages; Apportionment Act 1870

The appellants participated in strike action for one full day in November 2011. As a result, the respondent withheld part of their salary. Their contracts of employment incorporated terms relating to working time from a collective agreement known as the Red Book. The appellants argued the formula used to calculate the deduction was inaccurate, stating the correct calculation was 1/365 of their annual pay as opposed to 1/260.

The Red Book stipulates that teachers will be required to work up to 195 days a year of ‘directed time’. This includes teaching and other duties as specified in their contract of employment. In addition to directed time, a teacher is required to work an unspecified

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This article is correct at 25/05/2017

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