Samira Achbita v G4S Secure Solutions NV

Posted In: Case Law
  • Case Reference
    Case C-157/15
  • Legal Body
    Court of Justice EU (CJEU/ECJ)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Discrimination, Policies and Procedures
Issues covered: Equal treatment; indirect discrimination; female worker prohibited from wearing Islamic headscarf

G4S is a private undertaking which provides reception services for customers in both the public and private sectors. On 12 February 2003, Ms Achbita, a Muslim, started to work for G4S as a receptionist. She was employed by G4S under an employment contract of indefinite duration. There was, at that time, an unwritten rule within G4S that workers could not wear visible signs of their political, philosophical or religious beliefs in the workplace. In April 2006, Ms Achbita informed her line managers that she intended, in future, to wear an Islamic headscarf during working hours. In response, the management of G4S informed Ms Achbita that the wearing of a headscarf would not be tolerated

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This article is correct at 11/04/2017

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Kevin McVeigh
Elliott Duffy Garrett

The main content of this article was provided by Kevin McVeigh. Contact telephone number is 028 9024 5034 or email

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