Vivienne Elizabeth Costley v Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland & Others [2016]

Posted In: Case Law
  • Case Reference
    NIIT 345/12, 2461/12, 485/13, 1621/13
  • Legal Body
    Northern Ireland Industrial Tribunal (NIIT)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Dismissal, Absence and Sickness, Discipline, Discrimination
Issues covered: Unfair Dismissal, Sickness and Absence, Disciplinary and Grievance Issues, Discrimination and Equality

The claimant was an occupational health nurse and after a period of retraining became re-graded as a health and safety inspector in December 2009.  She became ill through anxiety and depression and was eventually given a phased return.

The claimant was given an informal warning in relation to allegations that she carried out private work amounting to a conflict of interest with her employment, defamatory comments and behaviour in the workplace amounting to misconduct. An investigation was to be carried out and the claimant was suspended from 11th November 2011. The suspension actually lasted until 4th June 2013 when the claimant medically retired, due to a combination of factors all

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This article is correct at 28/01/2016

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John Taggart BL

The main content of this article was provided by John Taggart BL.

View all articles by John Taggart BL