Ambisig v Nersant [2015]

Posted In: Case Law
  • Case Reference
    Case C-601/13
  • Legal Body
    Court of Justice EU (CJEU/ECJ)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Contracts of Employment
Issues covered: Public service contract; Staff qualifications

By notice published on 24 November 2011, Nersant opened a public tendering procedure for the purchase of training and consultancy services. Article 5 of the contract notice stated that the contract would be awarded to the economically most advantageous tender, determined on the basis of the following factors:

A. Evaluation of the team — 40%

(i) This factor will be arrived at by taking into account the composition of the team, its proven experience and an analysis of the academic and professional background of its members.

B. Quality and merits of the service proposed — 55%

(i) Overall assessment of the proposed structure including the work programme — 0 to 20%.

(ii) Description of the

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This article is correct at 24/04/2015

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Kevin McVeigh
Elliott Duffy Garrett

The main content of this article was provided by Kevin McVeigh. Contact telephone number is 028 9024 5034 or email

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