An Employee v The Christie NHS Foundation [2014]

Posted In: Case Law
  • Case Reference
    EWHC 3363
  • Legal Body
    England and Wales High Court (EWHC)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Health and Safety
Issues covered: Protection from Harassment; Stress at Work

This case should be used as a case study on why mediation is generally the best way forward to deal with the fall-out over reorganisation or claims of bullying in the workplace.

The claimant was Associate Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development of the Trust and effectively head of HR. She reported to the deputy CEO but was not a board member. The board brought in an external consultant with experience in HR to look at a reorganisation and increase in professionalism of the Trust. To say that the claimant and the consultant did not get on is an understatement. They were very different characters, with different experiences of HR at different levels. 

An interim

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This article is correct at 24/10/2014

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