Vaickuviene and others v J Sainsbury plc [2012] CSOH 69

Posted In: Case Law
  • Legal Body
    Other Tribunals & Courts (OTAC)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
Issues covered: Protection from Harassment Act; Harassment at work; vicarious liability for murder

In April 2012 the Scottish Civil Courts refused to dismiss a claim seeking to hold Sainsbury‟s plc liable for the death of a former employee. The family of the murdered employee argue that the company‟s failure to deal with a harassment claim contributed to his death. 82 A Lithuanian man, Roman Romasov, a part-time shelf stacker in Sainsbury‟s, had written a grievance letter to his line manager in relation to racist remarks that had been directed towards him by a fellow member of staff, Mr McCulloch, who was a BNP supporter. Nothing was done by Sainsbury‟s in relation to the grievance and two days later Romasov was stabbed to death by McCulloch. Romasov's

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This article is correct at 25/05/2012

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