City of Edinburgh Council v Lauder and others [2012] UKEATS/0048/11/BI

Posted In: Case Law
  • Legal Body
    Employment Appeal Tribunal (UKEAT)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
    Working Time
Issues covered: Working Time; On-Call and NMW

Ten employees of the City of Edinburgh Council who worked as „sheltered housing wardens‟, presented pay claims to the Employment Tribunal. They contended that they were 85 being paid less than the national minimum wage (“NMW”) once time spent on call was taken into account. They were provided with „tied accommodation‟ rent and council tax free and their contracts provided for salaried hours work of 36 hours per week. In addition, they were required to be „on call‟ at tied houses outside normal working hours on four nights during the working week. This case concerns their employer‟s appeal from the judgment of the Employment Tribunal which found that the Claimants were,

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This article is correct at 11/05/2012

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