Desmond v Cheshire West UKEATPA/0007/12/DM

Posted In: Case Law
  • Legal Body
    Employment Appeal Tribunal (UKEAT)
  • Type of Claim / Jurisdiction
Issues covered: Practice and Procedure; Time Extension

The day before the end of the limitation period, the claimant attempted to send scanned documents on appeal to the EAT. The documents which the claimant was trying to send were too large to send successfully. The claimant therefore decided to send them via a third party website, called TransferBIGFiles. In order for this to be done, the third party company TransferBIGFiles required the EAT to download the files using a link. However on the EAT website there is a warning that documents are not considered lodged when a link is sent in this manner. The claimant failed to see this warning on the website. The Registrar ruled that the files had not been

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This article is correct at 03/08/2012

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